My closet is full and I have nothing to wear! - Michelle Rhodes

My closet is full and I have nothing to wear!

New York Fashion Week is right around the corner, and before we get all excited to go shopping, it might be a good idea to make sure we have the basics. I've recently found a great blog called Styleblueprint, and if you haven't already, you should subscribe to their email list. Endless useful information, including a list of 8 Key Pieces Every Wardrobe Needs

8 Key Pieces Every Wardrobe Needs

 Image: Miss Moss

And once you've nailed these down, here's a preview from the same blog, Atlanta edition, about the Biggest Fall 2017 Fashion Trends


NOWWWW- What about your jewelry wardrobe??? Become an Insider and receive your free guide to the Ultimate Jewelry Wardrobe. No more second guessing!


Have any questions? Give me a shout and I'll be happy to help!


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